Thursday, 29 September 2011

Although, the weather during  daytime is still warm, we all know that the Fall it's here. I really do not have a favorite season, but because of the events involved in the next few months, it will have a stronger meaning to me. It will be "that Autumn". Changing the job, opening my own store, moving, new plans, being able to create again and so on so on... I'm so grateful that I've accomplished so many things by now and to be able to look forward to what life will bring me next. I fought hard for what I have and I scarified many things, but I can easily say: It was worth it!!! I never thought I will say this so soon: I'm happy with who I become, I'm calm inside and I know that I'm on my way to become a better person with each passing day. It's possible and it's only up to us.


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