Monday, 12 September 2011

Chester city

Sunday was a full day with Non-Stop walking. And as promised, I posted some pictures of this beautiful city called Chester. The architecture is stunning and rich in decorations. It's a great place to visit and take pictures, especially early in the morning before the streets get very busy and crowded. The shopping was great and my legs were killing me as I had to walk for miles to reach a big craft supplies store. But when I arrived there....ohh I forgot about thirst, hunger or fatigue. 
But that passed and here we are all starting our week.This day started pretty intense: I've been told that one of my favorite actors Andy Whitefield from Spartacus, died yesterday; and last night one of the cats had a "good" dinner in the living-room ( a crow- so imagine how the room was: full of feathers. Horrible view). What can I say: life can't be perfect. 
 I hope this week will be a good one for all of you and for me also. xoxox

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