Monday, 15 November 2010

After a brilliant and full weekend

Things happened this weekend which made me think how fool and blind I became lately because of some events that captured my attention and surrounded me like a fog full of bad taste of fake ugly people . Unfortunately , you can't avoid this parts of life which are more and more visible , but you definitely can reduce them and increase the number of cherished moments . I had such a good time and met so many beautiful people from whom I learned to take life less serious and have more fun .

Nothing is accidental !!! things happen for a big reason : to learn something from them !! and if you find yourself in the position of wounder : Why me? or Why do I have to endure the same problems ? ...... because you haven't learned anything from it . So , try and find the lesson which makes you wiser and every time there's a obstacle in front of you , think of doing the opposite way as last time .

Also do not forget that "we are shaped by our thought " . Take it easy and make your life more simple , be surrounded by amazing people and laugh a lot .

And after that , if this things won't happened than ask yourself : what did I do wrong?

Beauty is not something that you can buy or you can put some clothes on you and boom you are somebody else . The ugliness of a person can't be covered by make-up . Everybody can see you who you really are and only some can appreciate that .

Everything can change if you change yourself in a better person . Starting now !!!

I made a small selection of wise word for you . Hope it will help .

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